出生公证中英 模板

出生公证 (2003)沪徐证外字第44556 号

兹证明王云,女,于一九七七年七月十二日在 市出生。王云的父亲是王国融,王莹的母亲是杨丽红。

中华人民共和国 市徐汇区公证处

公证员 二00三年四月一日 Notarial Certificate (2003)H.X.Z.W.Z.NO.44556 (English Translation)

This is to certify that WANG Yun, female, was born on July 12,1977 in ShangHai. Herfather is WANG Guorong and her mother is YANG Lihong.

Shanghai Xuhui District Notary Public Office

The People’s Republic of China(Sealed) Notary Public:(Sealed)

Dated: April 1,2003

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