工作证明中英 模板

证 明 兹证明 XXX系我校职工,性别男,身份证号码: 14010219XXXXXX 。于 2004 年 X 月 XX日来我校工作,现为教授,月工资岗位 XXXX 元,薪级XXX元,工作年限 XX年,出国正处于学校暑假期间。
太原市XXXXX 号 人事教育处处长: 传真电话: 联系 电话 :XXXX 2014年5月4日
This is to certify that XXXXX (male, ID Number: 140102XXXXX) is a staff of our university. He came to work in the university on September 16th XXX and is now professor, with XXXX Yuan monthly post salary and XXXX Yuan pay scale salary. He has been working for 35 years and he is now abroad while the university is in the summer vacation.
It is hereby certified.
No. 66, XXXXX, XXXX, Taiyuan Section Chief of Personnel & Education Management Division: Fax: 699XXXX Tel: 699XXXX

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