证书 盖章服务|存款证明 模板|中英模板

存款证明 样本(中英对照)

Certificate of Deposit



To deacon:

兹证明          先生/女士(护照号:            )截止到             日在我公司存款如下:

This is to certify that the deposits of Mr./Mrs.        (Passport No.:    ) as of     in our company are as follows:

币种:                       金额:                     开户日期:           

Currency:                     Amount:                 Account opening date:      

以上存款自本证明开出之日起冻结            天。

The above deposits are frozen for        days as of the date of issuance of the certificate.



Note: the “Certificate of Deposit” is only for certifying the deposits of the client in our company, but not for warranty purposes of pledge or mortgage etc., and it has no other legal effectiveness.



有权人签字:                                                    公司  

Signature of entitled person:                                       xxxxx

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